Bonding pairs
Are you having trouble bonding bunnies? Great news! We can help you out.
Welcome to bonding your bunnies. I have a 100% success rate of bonding your bunnies. It is a long process and if you are struggling, please contact us and we can help. It depends on what you have on what the rates are. But don’t try to bond bunnies if you are unsure how to do it on your own. Don’t stress out. We are here to help.
Rates are for your Bunnies to stay at the Rescue for 5 days.
Altered Males and Females : $150
One altered male/female: $150
Two females not altered: $175
Two females altered: $175
Two males altered: $225
Two males unaltered: $250
If you adopt from us and leave your bunny here, $75 added to the adoption fee